Just for you!
Confidence boudoir session

Look stunning
relaxed enjoyable PROCESS

You - yes YOU look a million dollars!
I’ve heard it so many times. From women of all ages, shapes and sizes.
I never thought I'd look this good.
I thought my stretch marks would be showing!
I was really scared of having my picture taken
There are many reasons why a woman will avoid sitting for a portrait session
- All snaps in the past have been poor
- She believes she is ugly! wrong shape! just ugly! too heavy
- She believes she isn't worth the money spent on having pictures created

My photoshoot with Tim was so much fun I LOVE the results .

I never thought I had it in me - after hair and make up were done I felt amazing and the photos are fantastic I still can't believe it's me! Thank you so much

My session with Elwood Photography was amazing The pictures are stunning and I will treasure them.
Click/tap to view larger

Select and book your session - very simple to do there is a £75 fee
Come along to my fantastic fun new studio at CASA YOGA, 3 High St, Sedgefield TS21 2AU
ENJOY Hair and make up and the session together lasts between 90 and 120 mins
After a couple of days I’ll send you a slideshow featuring all the images from the session. You then have 2 days to select which package or collection you want.

Nothing to worry about.
Too many women don't get images of themselves made because they are worried about not being good enough - (whatever good may mean to you) Or, even worse they are scared that somehow they will be expected to undress!.
Elegant u sessions are designed to show you off at your very best and you can book the session in confidence knowing that you are there to have artwork created which will be a total celebration of you - how you are right now.
Please give me the chance to help you see yourself in a way that you have never seen yourself before.

I'm a passionate observer of people I LOVE the thrill of presenting images to you that empower you and let you see yourself in a new light.
One of the real enjoyments of this job is creating the artwork which you will look at on the walls of your home. You will look at my work every day and remember the beautiful person that you are.
A confidence session is a celebration of the woman you are - not what other people think you should be
RESULT - go on make contact start that creative adventure - look forward to hearing from you..